How to root or jailbreak your Android phone or tablet?
Once you decide you want to jailbreak your android device, you have multiple ways in which you can complete the task. Before you start, you should understand the basic process for how to jailbreak android devices. Once you know the basic procedure to jailbreak android phones, tablets andother devices, you can make an informed decision as to which method will work best for your application and personal skill level. Step #1: Identify the software and hardware version of your android device The first step in how to jailbreak an android device is to know the specific software version and hardware build that your device is using. Because there are so many different models of devices, you will need to refer to the documentation for your specific device. This step is very important, so take the time to ensure you are absolutely certain about the hardware and software version of your android device. Step #2: Select the proper android jailbreak utility After you’ve determined the specific h...